HSN/SAC code lookup

Simplify HSN/SAC code lookup with just a click! Get HSN/SAC codes for products or services with applicable GST

Seamless HSN/SAC code lookup

Look up a product's HSN/SAC code and applicable GST to ensure accuracy with just a click!

HSN/SAC code lookup in 3 simple steps


Select product or service

Choose product to lookup HSN code or service to lookup SAC code. Select product or service according to your requirements.


Enter product/service name

Simply type in the name of the product or service you want to find the HSN/SAC code for, and click on the search button.


Obtain HSN/SAC code

Get the HSN/SAC code for the product/service, along with a description of the product/service and the applicable GST rates to ensure accuracy.


Inventory management
Inventory management

Seamless inventory management

Manage & monitor products for your evolving inventory with ease. Add HSN/SAC code to different products with a simple lookup.

Seamless inventory management

Manage & monitor products for your evolving inventory with ease. Add HSN/SAC code to different products with a simple lookup.

Easy invoicing
Easy invoicing

Hassle-free invoicing

Ensure accurate billing for all your products with applicable GST rates for all your invoices.

Hassle-free invoicing

Ensure accurate billing for all your products with applicable GST rates for all your invoices.

GST compliance checks
GST compliance checks

GST compliance

Add relevant GST rates for all your products to ensure error-free GST invoicing & compliance.

GST compliance

Add relevant GST rates for all your products to ensure error-free GST invoicing & compliance.

Stock ledger
Stock ledger

Dynamic stock ledger

Add different variations of a product with their distinct HSN/SAC codes and applicable GST rates.

Dynamic stock ledger

Add different variations of a product with their distinct HSN/SAC codes and applicable GST rates.


Looking for more info? Here are some things we're commonly asked

HSN or Harmonized System of Nomenclature is a system for naming, classifying, and identifying products that is internationally recognized. HSN codes are used to categorize items in order to calculate GST.
SAC or Service Accounting Codes are a one-of-a-kind code to identify, measure, and tax services.
HSN/SAC codes are used when registering for GST, on invoices, and on the GST returns that must be uploaded to the GST Portal.
The only businesses exempt from using HSN/SAC codes on their invoices are the ones with annual turnover of less than Rs. 1.5 crore, or those registered under the composition scheme.
Every other business must include HSN/SAC codes in their invoices for items/services of sale.
HSN Code format -
    [xx]           [xx]              [xx xx]
Chapte     Heading     Subheading

A product is classified under sections, chapters, headings, and subheadings. For example, if you are selling fresh bananas, you can find your HSN code under Section 02: Vegetable Products, Chapter 08: Edible fruits and nuts; peel of citrus fruits or melons, Heading 03: Bananas including Plantains, Subheading 9010: Bananas, fresh. Your HSN code will be 0803. If you are exporting bananas, your HSN code will be 08 03 9010.

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